Aubay: Oddo BHF raises target price
( - Oddo BHF has confirmed its 'outperform' rating on the share of the digital service company Aubay, with a target price increased from E51 to E53 (cp: E48.
5, +9.5%), after updating market data and 2024 results deemed 'good', with guidance confirmed for 2025.
If we accept that the share's momentum will remain mixed in the short term, Aubay should still be in a position to post positive growth in 2025, while preserving a solid level of profitability and FCF in the current context, the analyst says.
The stock's valuation remains relatively moderate, at 9x prospective EBIT and 7% FCF yield, in view of its performance relative to the sector, its fundamentals, its speculative aspect, and its M&A (catalyst) ambitions, he continues.
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