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Puma: share price downturn, broker downgrades his recommendation

( - Puma loses more than 2% on the Frankfurt stock exchange as Stifel announced this morning that it was downgrading its recommendation on the stock from 'buy' to 'hold', accompanied by a drastically reduced price target, from 43 to 25 euros.

' The two consecutive major setbacks in January and March 2025 have led to massive earnings revisions in a very short space of time, raising doubts about the level of control over operations and the attractiveness of the brand', says the analyst.

In this context, Stifel believes that the medium-term forecasts for 2027 (communicated in January) of an EBIT margin of 8.5% are 'further called into question'. The consultancy also points to a lack of visibility on the success of the company's branding strategy, which is essential to achieving this target.

' Our new forecasts are lower than those for 2027, as this medium-term objective is, in our opinion, somewhat illusory', it concludes.

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