Allianz: Oddo BHF raises target price
( - Oddo BHF maintains its 'outperform' rating on Allianz shares, with a target price raised from E330 to E345, after the insurer reported quarterly revenues that are up 16.
2% organically to E45.9bn.
FY 2024 operating income came to E16 bn (+8.7%), with adjusted 2024 OP of E10bn (+10.1%).
Oddo BHF considers Allianz's OP guidance to be "very cautious": the group forecasts OP of E16.0bn, +/-1bn euros this year, whereas the broker expects E16.9bn.
We are raising our EPS forecasts slightly, including to include the new E2bn in share buyback/year and are counting on average annual EPS growth of 9% between now and 2027, the analyst adds.
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