Roche: allergy treatment results
( - A Phase III study shows that Xolair may be more effective with fewer side effects than oral immunotherapy for the treatment of food allergies.
Xolair is the only drug approved by the US FDA to reduce allergic reactions in children and adults suffering from one or more food allergies.
The phase 2 OUtMATCH study showed that Xolair was more effective with fewer side effects than oral multi-allergen immunotherapy (OIT) in the first-ever trial comparing the two therapeutic approaches.
These results were presented in late-breaking symposia at the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI) 2025 Annual Meeting.
Food allergies are becoming increasingly common, forcing millions of families to deal with constant vigilance, strict dietary restrictions and disruption of daily activities, said the co-leader of the OUTMATCH study and associate professor of medicine at Stanford School of Medicine, Center for Allergy and Asthma Research.
These results provide healthcare providers with valuable data on omalizumab and oral immunotherapy, enabling them to continue to meet the diverse needs and treatment goals of their food allergy patients.
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