KKR: completes tender offer for Fuji Soft
(CercleFinance.com) - KKR announced today that, in connection with its two-stage tender offer for Fuji Soft Incorporated's common shares and stock options, it has received bids in excess of 19.
25%, the minimum shareholding required to proceed with a squeeze-out (53.22% in total), and has completed the second stage of its tender offer on 19 February 2025.
Upon settlement of the second tender offer, including the shares acquired by the offeror under the first tender offer, the offeror will hold a total of 35,753,281 Fuji Soft common shares and stock options (total shareholding ratio: 57.92%). Settlement and delivery of the Second Tender Offer will begin on 27 February 2025.
In addition to the shares acquired under the Tender Offer, the Offeror aims to acquire the remaining Fuji Soft shares through a squeeze-out process, which will result in the Offeror holding 100% of Fuji Soft's shares.
The EGM for the squeeze-out process is scheduled for the end of April 2025.
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