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Soitec: Oddo BHF confirms buy rating

( - Oddo BHF maintains its 'outperform' rating on Soitec shares, with an unchanged target price of E125 (cp: E87, -3.

The analyst believes that the company is still on track with its FY25 guidance, which calls for a return to organic sales growth in H2 (vs. -15% in H1).

Management is not yet seeing an AI-accelerated cycle in smartphone renewal, but market volumes are growing, the broker points out.

Oddo BHF adds that it has found management's outlook more positive than a year ago, thanks to better momentum in smartphones, the success of POI and the take-off of photonics.

The broker is convinced that the company will succeed in its product diversification strategy, sustaining strong sales growth over the coming years.

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