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Bayer: closure of latest 'Roundup' case in Australia

( - Bayer announces that the Federal Court of Australia has closed the last Roundup case in Australia, putting an end to litigation related to this product.

The Court granted the plaintiffs' request to discontinue the Fenton class action against Monsanto, following a favourable decision for Bayer in the McNickle case.

In the McNickle case, the Court concluded that the scientific evidence did not demonstrate a link between glyphosate and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL), aligning this decision with the assessments of global regulatory bodies.

In the United States, Bayer is pursuing a strategy to limit litigation, having obtained favorable results in 15 of the 22 recent trials.

The company is considering an appeal to the Supreme Court on the preemption of state warnings by federal law, and is evaluating cases for this appeal. It is also considering settlements if it serves its interests.

Finally, Bayer is working with agricultural groups to promote legislative reform on labeling to ensure the availability of crop protection tools deemed safe by global regulators.

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