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BNP Paribas: a buy idea for Deutsche Bank

( - Deutsche Bank said on Monday that it was considering BNP Paribas shares as a 'buy idea' ahead of the French banking group's Q3 results, due out on 31 October.

The analyst believes that the stock's significant underperformance this year (-20%) relative to its peers is unjustified in view of its solid H1 results.

In his opinion, the company's next publication could be a "short-term catalyst", given the quality of the figures that are expected to follow on from H1.

Deutsche is particularly optimistic about the quality of its retail banking franchise in France, the favorable trends in its asset gathering business, the robust performance of its corporate and investment banking (CIB) arm, and the prospect of promising redistributions to shareholders in the wake of the completion of the Bancwest sale.

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