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Alstom: autonomous rail transport project

( - In Salzgitter, Germany, Alstom presented the ARTE project (for 'Autonomous Regional Train Evolution').

The ARTE project is a joint research project by Alstom, the German Aerospace Center DLR (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt) and the 'Railway Operation and Infrastructure' department of the Technical University of Berlin.

The project aims to implement Automatic Train Operation (ATO) via the European Train Control System (ETCS), without the need for additional trackside equipment.

Automated driving requires camera systems for obstacle detection and, in place of trackside ETCS equipment, a suitable image recognition system that reads trackside railway signals', says the group.

Today in Salzgitter, a delegation of international press was able to travel a few kilometers in autonomous mode, i.e. without the intervention of a driver, and watch a train being steered remotely using a tablet.

In an ever-changing transport landscape, driverless technology is more than a trend, it represents a revolution. While discussions often focus on autonomous cars, the potential of autonomous rail transport is just as revolutionary' said Florian Kittelmann, Head of Autonomous Mobility at Alstom.

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