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BNP Paribas: Deutsche Bank raises TP, still a buyer

( - On Wednesday Deutsche Bank announced that it had raised its target price for BNP Paribas shares from E78 to E79, with an unchanged Buy recommendation.

In a study devoted to the banking sector, the broker believes that French banking stocks now seem 'ripe' for a sequence of outperformance.

French banks have underperformed their European counterparts since the beginning of 2022, which corresponds to the tightening monetary cycle, the analyst says.

We are now back on the other side of the cycle, which could favour an acceleration in service and product fees and loan growth, while supporting net interest income (NII) in longer-duration markets and consumer credit, he continues.

Given their business mix, this environment seems ideal, especially for BNP and Crédit Agricole to outperform, Deutsche concludes.

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