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Atos: amendment to liquidity contract

( - Following the fall in its market capitalization, Atos has announced an amendment to its liquidity contract signed in February 2019, the implementation of which was entrusted to Rothschild Martin Maurel.

In an amendment dated August 13, it reduced the resources allocated to the implementation of this contract to two million euros, subject to the maintenance of a permanent credit to the liquidity account of a minimum amount of 500,000 euros.

As a reminder, this contract for the trading of Atos shares on the regulated market of Euronext Paris, had an initial amount of 15 million euros. The other provisions of the contract remain unchanged and in full force and effect.

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A quel niveau sera le CAC40 à fin Décembre 2024:

En hausse à 8200Pts
En hausse à 8080Pts
Stable sur le niveau des 7450Pts
En baisse à 7150Pts
En baisse à 6900Pts
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