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Casino: consolidated net income of E39m

( - Food retailer Casino's consolidated sales amounted to E4.
2bn, down 3.5% LFL in H1 2024, and 5.9% overall, after taking into account a -2.4% effect (mainly due to consolidation scope and streamlining of store base).

Q2 2024 sales amounted to E2.1bn, down 3.1% LFL and -7.1% overall after taking into account a -3.3% effect (mainly due to consolidation scope and streamlining of customer base) and a -0.7% calendar effect.

Group adjusted EBITDA came to E255m in H1 (-23.8%), reflecting a margin of 6.1% (-143 bp).

Net income from continuing operations, group share came to E2,549m (E918m in H1 2023). Net income, group share, came to E39m (compared with -E2,231m in H1 2023).

In H1 2024, free cash flow before financial expenses came to -E413m (-E735m in H1 2023) after payment of social and tax debts placed under moratorium in 2023 (-E153m).

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