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NRJ Group: DTT frequency threatened, share price falls

( - The NRJ Group announces that it has just learned of 'ARCOM's incomprehensible decision', announced today, not to shortlist NRJ 12's application for the reallocation of its DTT frequency.

NRJ 12 considers that it has 'its rightful place in the French audiovisual landscape', and points in particular to the growth in its audience figures over the last three years, particularly in the 25-49 age group and among women responsible for purchases under the age of 50.

NRJ Group states that if this preselection decision were to be confirmed when the frequencies are allocated, it would then 'exercise the necessary appeals.'

'The social, strategic and economic consequences of such a decision would lead NRJ Group, depending on the outcome of these appeals, to carry out a strategic review of all its TV activities, the effects of which are not yet known', it adds.

Following this announcement, the share price fell by nearly 5% in Paris.

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