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Sensorion: new positive data for SENS-401

( - At CI2024 this weekend, Sensorion announced new positive data from a Phase 2a clinical trial showing that administration of SENS-401 reduces hearing loss after cochlear implantation.

Six weeks after cochlear implantation (corresponding to the end of SENS-401 treatment), the average surgically-induced hearing loss at 500 Hz was 19 dB for patients treated with SENS-401, compared with 32 dB for the control group.

A similar clinically significant difference was observed for the average of the next three frequencies (250, 500 and 750 Hz), with 16 dB in the SENS-401-treated group compared with 31 dB in the control group.

These good results remained clinically significant over time until the last visit of the trial, fourteen weeks after cochlear implantation, and confirm the key role of SENS-401 in preserving residual hearing.

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