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Carmat: Oddo BHF confirms its recommendation on the stock

( - Oddo BHF maintains its 'neutral' rating on Carmat shares, with an unchanged target price of 6.
8 euros.

This morning, Carmat published its sales figures for the first half of the year. Sales for the period came to 3.2 ME, corresponding to the sale of 20 Aeson artificial hearts, including 6 for commercial purposes (Germany, Italy and Poland) and 14 for the EFICAS study in France

"Management took advantage of this publication to confirm its 2024 sales guidance of 14 ME (vs. 12 ME according to ODDO BHF). At this stage, we consider this target to be ambitious, despite the acceleration in the number of new sites in the second quarter", says the analyst.

"The financing theme and sales momentum will be the two main issues to watch in the second half of the year", adds the broker.

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