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Idsud: AMF gives go-ahead to proposed public stock buyback tender offer

( - The AMF has declared compliant the proposed public share buyback tender offer (OPRA) filed by Banque Hottinguer, acting on behalf of Idsud.
A further announcement will be made regarding the timetable of the offer.

Idsud irrevocably undertakes to acquire a maximum of 138,717 of its own shares, representing 28.04% of its share capital, with each share tendered being remunerated by the delivery of five FDJ shares and a cash payment of €1.75, with a view to their cancellation.

Subject to completion of this offer, and during the second half of 2024, Indivision Luciani plans to file a simplified tender offer for the remaining Idsud shares it will not hold following the capital reduction.

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