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Euroapi: selected for Med4Cure PIIEC program

( - Euroapi has been selected by the European Commission as one of 13 companies to share up to E1bn in public funding, as part of the PIIEC dedicated to the pharmaceutical sector, called 'Med4Cure'.

This PIIEC (Projet Important d'Intérêt Européen Commun), notified by six EU member states, aims to strengthen the European healthcare market and ensure sustainable, competitive and integrated production of active pharmaceutical ingredients essential to public health.

The French government and Euroapi will now be able to begin discussions to prepare the contractual arrangements for the granting of public aid, with Med4Cure in particular expected to co-finance the company's R&D activities, up to and including industrial feasibility studies.

The group will take advantage of the opportunity offered by this PIIEC to continue developing three innovative programs in the fields of macrolide antibiotics, corticosteroids (including methylprednisolone) and nanoparticles.

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