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Crossject: capital increase until May 30

( - On April 30, Crossject announced the launch of a capital increase with preferential subscription rights for approximately ?8 million.

The subscription price of the New Shares is 1.848E. 17 DPS will allow the subscription of 2 new shares.

' The operation has been secured by Gemme Venture, the reference shareholder, through an irreducible subscription commitment of E1.96m (up to the amount of its rights) and an additional guarantee to cover 75% of the operation, i.e. E6m, while reserving the possibility of covering 100% of the amount to be subscribed, i.e. E8m. The majority of the funds will be used for the development of ZEPIZURE', indicates Invest Securities.

The subscription period runs from May 16 to May 30 inclusive. The DPS trading period ends on May 28. CP of placement results on June 4.

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