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Touax: the share resists the downturn thanks to results

( - Touax shares are resisting the consolidation prevailing on the Paris Bourse this Friday, with the container leasing company posting a gain of around 1% the day after announcing annual results that were appreciated by the market.

The French group, which rents out freight wagons and river barges, explained that it had benefited from the resilience of its business model against a backdrop of rising rates and the normalization of containerized traffic.

Its business volume thus fell to 157.1 million euros in 2023, compared with 161.5 million a year earlier, while its annual Ebitda recorded a limited decline, to 55.3 million euros from 57.9 million in 2022.

All in all, Touax's net profit (Group share) came to 3.6 million euros, compared with 7.5 million euros the previous year.

Looking ahead to 2024, Touax says it remains cautious in the short term in the face of current economic challenges, anticipating uneven growth across geographical regions and significant geopolitical risks.

Despite this turbulence, the group believes that the volume of international trade should remain at a 'satisfactory' level in 2024.

The latest forecasts from research firm Clarkson predict a 5.5% increase in containerized traffic this year, compared with a 1.6% gain in 2023.

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