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Clasquin: Oddo BHF boosts TP

( - Oddo BHF maintains its 'outperform' rating on Clasquin shares, raising its target price for them from E95 to E134 (cp: E125, +41%).

The analyst reports that yesterday evening, Clasquin's controlling shareholders (Yves Revol and Olymp) announced that they had entered into exclusive negotiations with SAS Shipping Agencies Services Sarl ('SAS'), a subsidiary of MSC Mediterranean Shipping Company SA, a world leader in shipping and logistics, with a view to selling their entire stake, i.e. 42% of Clasquin SA's capital.

Following the acquisition of the controlling interests of Yves Revol and Olymp, SAS would file a public tender offer for the remaining shares in Clasquin SA with the AMF, Oddo BHF says.

The analyst points out that he had already mentioned the fact that Clasquin was an ideal target in the freight forwarding sector, and that this announcement therefore comes as no surprise.

The broker therefore expects the project to be completed by summer next year, with a high probability of delisting.

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