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Schneider Electric: Jefferies raises target price

( - On Wednesday Jefferies raised its TP for Schneider Electric shares from E282 to E292, a TP that represents 22% upside potential.

The US broker - which maintains its buy recommendation on the stock - says that it is confident in the French group's ability to generate solid earnings growth in 2025 and 2026 (+16% p.a. on average) thanks to the trend towards electrification and the rebound in industrial automation.

As a result, we are raising our operating profit forecast for the electrical equipment manufacturer by 3%, putting it 1% to 2% above the current market consensus.

After underperforming the STOXX Europe 600 Industrial Goods & Services index by 15bp over the past month, we find the valuation highly attractive, as it is now below the average that has prevailed since Nvidia surprised the market by citing strong demand for its graphics processors, the broker points out.

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