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Rolls-Royce celebrates T56 and AE 2100 engines

( - Rolls-Royce has announced that the engines of the iconic C-130 aircraft, the T56 and AE 2100, have reached historic milestones.

On the 70th anniversary of its first flight, the T56 engine has accumulated more than 220 million hours of service, a rare feat in aviation history.

In addition, the AE 2100 engine has clocked up 10 million hours since entering service in 1994.

The T56 and AE 2100 engines provide the power needed for military transport and long-range maritime patrols. These engines power variants of the U.S. Air Force's iconic C-130 Hercules and Super Hercules, as well as other military and civil applications worldwide.

The T56 engine was developed in response to the Air Force's need for a reliable, powerful turboprop capable of operating in demanding environments.

Tim Walton, Maturity Programs Director, Rolls-Royce, said: 'The T56 and AE 2100 engines are an integral part of Rolls-Royce's history and America's history. Over the decades, these engines have powered aircraft carrying troops, rescue equipment and humanitarian supplies to every corner of the globe. As we celebrate these milestones, we are reminded that these engines are more than a testament to engineering excellence - they are a testament to our commitment to the service members who depend on us to safely carry out their missions and bring them home."

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