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Carmila: buyback offer on four bond issues

( - Carmila announced on Monday evening the launch of an offer to buy back four existing bond issues for a total of 150 million euros.

The shopping center operator created by Carrefour explains that this operation will enable it to manage its debt "proactively" and extend its maturity, while optimizing the structure of its balance sheet.

In detail, the offer is for 300 million euros of 1.625% bonds maturing in May 2027, 350 million euros of 2.125% bonds maturing in March 2028, 500 million euros of 5.50% bonds maturing in October 2028 and 325 million euros of 1.625% bonds maturing in April 2029.

At the same time, the Group has indicated its intention to issue fixed-rate euro-denominated bonds, subject to market conditions.

The buyback offer, which began yesterday, will close on September 23, with results expected on September 24.

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