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USA: stronger-than-expected rise in household morale

( - US household sentiment improved even more strongly than expected in September, according to the first results of the University of Michigan's monthly survey, published on Friday.

The confidence index rose for the second consecutive month, reaching 69 this month, compared with 67.9 in August, when economists were forecasting a figure of 68.5.

The component measuring consumers' assessment of their current situation particularly improved, reaching 62.9 compared with 61.3 the previous month.

The outlook component rose to 73, from 72.1 in August.

Joanne Hsu, the report's author, points to an improvement in household purchasing conditions, particularly for durable goods, due to a more favorable perception of price trends.

She also notes that a growing number of both Republicans and Democrats anticipate a Kamala Harris victory in the November 5 presidential election.

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