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TF1: 2024 outlook confirmed

( - The group's consolidated sales totaled E1,103.
9m in H1 2024, up 6.3% y-o-y, driven by growth in advertising sales (+7.4% vs. 2023).

Recurring operating income from business activities (ROCA) totaled E128.8m, down E23.5m on end-June 2023. The operating margin on ordinary activities was 11.7% in H1, compared with 14.7% in 2023.

Operating income totaled E114.6m, and included -E13m in non-recurring income and expenses, mainly linked to an extension of the GEPP (Gestion des Emplois et des Parcours Professionnels) scheme signed in July 2023.

Group share of net income came to E96m, close to last year's level (-E5.3m y-o-y).

The group's 2024 outlook has been confirmed: - Pursue growth in digital, building on the promising launch of TF1; Maintain a recurring operating margin rate for activities close to that of 2023; - Continue to generate solid cash flow, enabling us to aim for a growing dividend policy over the coming years.

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