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Crossject: public financing secured until 2026

( - Crossject shares rose sharply on the Paris Bourse on Wednesday, following the securing of 6.
9 million euros in public funding.

The pharmaceutical company, which has developed an emergency treatment for epilepsy based on its needle-free auto-injector, explains that it obtained this funding as part of Bpifrance's 'France 2030' plan, which aims to support French companies with growth and innovation potential.

This new money will enable the company to develop Zeneo Adrénaline, its new emergency treatment administered by the patient or family in the event of severe allergic reactions.

This non-dilutive financing, which runs until 2026, is made up of 60% subsidies and repayable advances for the remainder, with a first instalment of 1.7 million euros planned in the next few weeks, a development milestone of four million euros in August 2025 and the balance at the end of the project in 2026.

This financial support comes at a time when Crossject plans to submit marketing authorization applications for Zeneo Adrénaline in 2026 to the regulatory authorities in Europe and the United States.

Following this announcement, Crossject's share price climbed by over 3% on Wednesday on the Paris Bourse, although this did not prevent the stock from declining by 63% since the start of the year.

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