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Signify: new climate transition plan for 2040

( - On Tuesday, Signify unveiled its action plan to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 90% by 2040.

Its objectives, validated by SBTi and without recourse to carbon offset credits, call for a 50% reduction in its greenhouse gas emissions on scopes 1, 2 and 3 by 2030 compared with the reference year 2019

By 2040, the Dutch lighting specialist plans to reduce its absolute greenhouse gas emissions on scopes 1, 2 and 3 by 90%.

To achieve this, Signify says it wants to encourage its suppliers to commit to renewable energies, but also to electrify the logistics fleet and extend the use of energy-efficient LED lighting.

According to the group, the adoption of LED lighting would reduce total global greenhouse gas emissions by 1%, or half the emissions induced by air traffic.

'Such a reduction would free up enough electricity to recharge all the electric cars currently on the road or power more than 100 million heat pumps', it adds.

Since 2019, Signify has already achieved an absolute 50% reduction in its greenhouse gas emissions across its entire value chain, including the use phase of its products (scope 3).

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