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Vivendi: takes note of CIAM's summary proceedings

(CercleFinance.com) - Vivendi takes note of the summons for summary proceedings issued yesterday by CIAM before the President of the Paris Commercial Court, with a view to a hearing on 4 December.

CIAM is requesting that Vivendi's Combined General Meeting on 9 December be adjourned until a decision has been reached on two other actions brought by CIAM: an action on the merits, brought shortly before the Paris Commercial Court, challenging the validity of the demerger project; and an appeal to the Paris Court of Appeal against the AMF's decision of 13 November 2024, finding that the Bolloré group did not meet the conditions for filing a public buyout offer for Vivendi in connection with the demerger project.

Vivendi notes that CIAM's attempt to prevent Vivendi shareholders from expressing their views on 9 December comes after the two main voting advisory agencies, ISS and Glass Lewis, which are overwhelmingly followed by shareholders, recommended that they approve this project, it says.

These recommendations, which come from internationally recognized and influential independent institutions, defeat CIAM's campaign to invite Vivendi shareholders to reject the demerger project on December 9, management adds.

Vivendi recalls that the objective of its demerger project is to create value for all its shareholders by reducing the significant conglomerate discount it has been subject to for several years, and to accelerate the development of its demerged activities.

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