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Vinci: H1 net income E2bn (-4.8%)

(CercleFinance.com) - Consolidated sales amounted to E33.
8bn in H1 2024, up 4.4% (organic growth: +3.8%; impact of changes consolidation scope: +0.5%; exchange rate variations: +0.1%).

EBITDA amounted to E5.7bn, representing a margin of 16.8% (E5.3bn or 16.4% of sales in H1 2023). Operating income from ordinary activities rose to E3.9bn (E3.5bn in H1 2023).

Consolidated net income, group share reached E2bn and EPS was at E3.46 (E2.1bn and E3.65 per share in H1 2023). Free cash flow was positive at E361m (E261m in H1 2023).

At 30 June the group's order book totaled a record E67.3bn, up 9% from 30 June 2023.

Vinci expects further sales growth in 2024, albeit on a smaller scale than in 2023. Operating results should also improve. In 2024 net income could be close to the level achieved in 2023.

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