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URW: EPS forecasts confirmed for 2024

(CercleFinance.com) - URW has announced adjusted recurrent EPS of E5.
14 for H1 2024 (down -2.7% y-o-y), broadly in line with the consensus of E5.22 reported by Oddo BHF.

Retail sales rose 4.2%. Organic growth in shopping centers was 5.3%.) Rental collection remained stable at 97%. Revenues from commercial partnerships rose by 53% to E109m.

The group has confirmed its 2024 guidance. URW confirms its guidance with adjusted recurring EPS (AREPS) of between E9.65 and E9.80 following the solid operating performance in H1 2024.

On the investment market, URW has sold or secured E0.3bn of disposals in an investment market still considered difficult, and is in active discussions with potential buyers of European and US regional assets for around E1bn of assets in Europe and the US vs. E1.2bn at end-March, while the contribution to the reduction of IFRS net debt in 2024 from completed or secured disposals amounts to E0.5bn to date, Oddo BHF says.

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