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Renault: confirms 2024 financial outlook

(CercleFinance.com) - Group sales reached E26,958 million, up 0.
4% on the first half of 2023. At constant exchange rates, sales rose by 3.7%.

Automotive sales came to 24,372 million euros, down 1.9% on H1 2023.

The Group posted a record operating margin of 8.1% of sales, up 0.5 points on the 7.6% recorded in H1 2023.

Automobile operating margin came to 1,600 million euros, compared with 1,541 million euros in the first half of 2023.

Net income came to 1,380 million euros, including a capital loss on the disposal of Nissan shares. Net income, Group share stood at 1,293 million euros (or 4.74 euros per share).

Renault Group confirms its financial outlook for 2024. The Group is targeting a Group operating margin ≥ 7.5% and free cash flow ≥ 2.5 billion euros.

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