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STMicro: Oddo BHF trims TP ahead of quarterly results

(CercleFinance.com) - Oddo BHF reaffirms its 'outperform' rating on STMicroelectronics shares, while adjusting its TP for them from E48 to E46 euros, ahead of the company's Q2 results, which it expects to come in within guidance and fairly close to the consensus.

The real issue at stake in this publication will be the 2024 guidance, which is likely to be revised downwards once again to the lower end of the $14bn/15bn range, probably below the current consensus of nearly $14.4bn, it warns.

Thus believing a further warning likely, the broker lowers its own forecast for the semiconductor manufacturer, already initially below consensus and guidance, to $14bn, as well as its EPS by around 5%.

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