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Airbus: Berenberg still a seller

(CercleFinance.com) - Berenberg on Monday renewed its 'sell' recommendation on and E115 target price for Airbus shares, saying that it remained more cautious about the stock following the publication of press reports deemed worrying.

This speculation, it says, refers to the circulation of an internal memo designed to implement a new cost-cutting program within the strategic commercial aircraft division.

In view of the already weak Q1, the June profit warning and now a document envisaging new cost-cutting measures in the crucial civil aircraft division, we fail to see how the share price can be sustained at its current levels over the next few days in the run-up to Q2 results (30 July), or over the next 12 months, Berenberg says.

While the stock is currently trading above its historical averages following the recent upward revision of consensus forecasts over the past few years, the analyst recommends that investors take profit at current prices.

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