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BNP Paribas: collaboration with Ant International

(CercleFinance.com) - BNP Paribas announced on Sunday that it has entered into a strategic partnership with Ant International, the owner of the Alipay+ mobile payment application.

The companies explain that the framework agreement - which was sealed on 3 July in Zurich - will focus on cross-border payments for businesses and consumers in Europe.

In detail, BNP Paribas plans to work with Alipay+ to enable businesses belonging to its merchant network to accept payments from over 25 financial partners via Alipay+.

The French banking group also explains that it intends to support the integration of WorldFirst, another Ant money transfer application, within the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA).

Ant International points out that the European market is 'important' for its development, which explains why the Alipay+ brand was one of the official sponsors of the last Euro football tournament.

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