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Thales: inaugurates Axel with the CSF

(CercleFinance.com) - Thales and the Comité stratégique de filière (CSF) industrie et technologies de santé have inaugurated Axel, the first industrial medical imaging gas pedal in France.

Axel's mission is to help French Medtech SMEs and start-ups meet the challenges of industrialization and economic development through direct access to the industry.

This gas pedal will be conducive to close collaboration between major companies, SMEs/startups, research players, healthcare institutions, local authorities and social partners, with the aim of strengthening the French medical imaging sector and thus guaranteeing France's sovereignty in this field.

Estimated at $40bn, the global medical imaging market is expected to grow at an average annual rate of 4.5% between 2021 and 2024.

More than a gas pedal, Axel is an ecosystem of innovation, built on solid foundations of collaboration and expertise, ready to transform the future of medical imaging, Thales says.

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