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Tesla: UBS now says 'sell', cuts TP

(CercleFinance.com) - UBS announced on Friday that it had downgraded its recommendation on Tesla shares to 'sell' from 'neutral', with a target price reduced from $197 to $147.

In a research note, the broker considers that the share price has risen too fast, too soon - to such an extent that it now finds it difficult to justify the valuation levels recently reached.

While acknowledging that Elon Musk's group is more than a carmaker, thanks to its projects in energy and 100% autonomous driving, UBS considers that around 61% of its current valuation is based on intangible elements.

While it's true that Tesla is investing heavily in AI and that its technologies are making great strides, such investments are costly, time-consuming and the results are often slow to materialize, it warns.

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