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Kaufman & Broad: confirms annual guidance

(CercleFinance.com) - Kaufman & Broad SA has announced its H1 2024 results (1 December 2023 to 31 May 2024), with total sales of E452.
5m (excluding VAT), compared with E848.8m for the same period in 2023.

Its gross margin came to E97.5m, with EBIT of E34.5m and net income (group share) of E21.1m.

Kaufman & Broad reports that its financial structure remains "extremely solid". At the end of May 2024, after repayment of the E50m PP and payment of E46.8m in dividends, net cash stood at E224.9m. Financial capacity stands at E578.9m.

Kaufman & Broad confirms its guidance for FY 2024. The group expects sales to come in at around E1.1bn.

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