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Accor: Deutsche Bank reduces target price

(CercleFinance.com) - Deutsche Bank announced on Thursday that it had lowered its target price for Accor shares from E48 to E47, while maintaining its buy recommendation on the stock.

In a research note, the analyst explains that the French hotel group has a specific geographic footprint that should enable it to grow its revenue per available room (RevPAR) at a faster rate than many of its competitors.

The broker thus confirms its forecast for RevPAR growth of around 7% this year, compared with the 3% to 4% target set by the group itself and a consensus of 4.5%.

Deutsche Bank says, however, that it has revised downwards its forecast for sales growth for the 2024/2026 period, now expected to be -0.6%, as well as its Ebitda forecast, reduced by 2%.

Despite this, we believe that Accor should remain in a position to improve its operating margin (Ebitda) by between 70 and 110 percentage points per year between 2023 and 2026, it concludes.

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