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Boeing: Jefferies confirms buy recommendation

(CercleFinance.com) - Jefferies confirms its buy recommendation on the stock with an unchanged TP of $270, after announcing the delivery of a total of 92 commercial aircraft in Q2 2024, bringing the YTD total to 175.

In detail, the aircraft manufacturer sold 70 737 models, six 767 models, seven 777 models and nine 787 models.

Deliveries were 136 in Q2 2023, but the group recorded a marked improvement in June. There were 9 deliveries of 787s (compared with 20 in Q2 2023) and 69 deliveries of MAXs (70 737s in total) compared with 100 in Q2 2023 (103 737s a year ago). The MAXs were delivered at a rate of 23 per month in the 2nd quarter, but this rate accelerated to 34 in June, the broker says.

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