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Accenture: new acquisition in silicon design

(CercleFinance.com) - On Wednesday Accenture announced the acquisition of Cientra, a US engineering company specializing in design services for silicon-based systems, without disclosing its terms.

Founded in 2015, Cientra - which is based in New Jersey, with branches in Frankfurt (Germany) and Bangalore, Hyderabad and New Delhi (India) - offers its clients customized consulting services for the development of integrated circuits, particularly in the field of the Internet of Things (IoT).

Accenture explains that the transaction will enable it to strengthen its expertise in semiconductor innovation and better support its clients in this area.

Everything from data center growth and cloud computing, to wireless technologies, edge computing and the popularization of AI, is driving demand for next-generation silicon-based products, explains Karthik Narain, Accenture's Managing Director for Technology.

This acquisition follows that of Excelmax Technologies, a company specialized in the same field, made official earlier this week, and that of Canadian XtremeEDA, which was announced in 2022.

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