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Casino: renewed partnership with Sherpa

(CercleFinance.com) - Casino and the Sherpa Cooperative announce that they have renewed their partnership.
Casino will continue to supply the 119 mountain food stores in the Sherpa network.

The supply contract involves providing cooperative members with a wide range of products and ensuring quality delivery to stores. The contract will take effect from October 1, 2024.

Olivier Carrié, Chairman of the Sherpa Cooperative, commented: "We are delighted with this renewed agreement with Casino. The immediate objective is to ensure good traffic this summer in all Sherpa stores, and to start the winter season serenely, which is decisive in the context of this partnership'.

For Philippe Palazzi, CEO of the Casino Group, 'this partnership testifies to the Casino Group's ambition: to offer our partners an irreproachable service and product offering, and to continue to cover the territory'.

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