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Alstom: Oddo BHF still buying stock

(CercleFinance.com) - Oddo BHF anticipates orders of nearly E3.
6bn, down 8% y-o-y for Q1 2024/25. Ahead of this publication, the analyst confirms his Outperform recommendation, with a target price of E22.

The analyst expects 5% organic sales growth to E4.4bn: the 2024/25 targets should be confirmed, Oddo BHF adds.

The Group should confirm all its 2024/25 targets: i/ book-to-bill > 1, ii/ organic sales growth of around 5%, iii/ adjusted EBIT margin of around 6.5%, iv/ FCF E300m-E500m (including negative FCF of -E300m-E500m in H1), Oddo says.

After a cash outflow of over E2bn in 4 years, we forecast E1.64bn in cumulative FCF over 3 years (including E377m in 2024/25). We anticipate zero debt (including financial leases of E645m) within 3 years (compared with E3.6bn of net debt at end-March 2024).

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