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Stellantis: Oddo BHF remains positive, but lowers its target

(CercleFinance.com) - Oddo BHF maintains its 'outperform' rating on Stellantis, despite cautiously trimming its target price from E30 to E25, ahead of the publication of the automaker's half-year results, scheduled for 25 July.

The broker is lowering its estimates (-11% for 2024-25) to reflect its now more cautious view of the group in the short term (inventories, market share), and more generally of the environment (consumption in Europe and the US).

Oddo BHF nevertheless considers that 'Stellantis' fundamental qualities are still present and should indeed enable it to rebound from H2 2024 and into 2025.

Beyond that, the company's very healthy financial situation, combined with its now robust and recurring FCF generation, should enable it to maintain a favourable return-to-shareholder policy, the analyst adds.

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