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Technip Energies: selected for floating wind project

(CercleFinance.com) - Technip Energies announced on Thursday that it had been selected for a research and development (R&D) program aimed at accelerating the industrial development of floating offshore wind power in France.

The engineering and technology group dedicated to the energy transition said it had joined forces with the Gustave Eiffel University, renewable energies specialist Valeco and the Open-C offshore testing center. The project - dubbed "Paref" - involves designing, manufacturing and testing a reusable anchoring system and connectors for a voltage line system, while minimising the impact on the marine environment.

It is intended to be an important step in the development of a competitive solution for floating offshore wind turbines, optimized for deep waters, with a view to reducing costs and accelerating the transition to industrial scale.

This aims to design an anchoring system for the NextFloat project, intended for 2022 by a consortium including Technip Energies, featuring a lighter float requiring less steel, as well as equipment that minimizes impact on the seabed. This 6 MW prototype is to be implemented and tested in the Mediterranean Sea, with a view to operating it under operational conditions in the open sea.

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