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BNP Paribas: Jefferies raises its target slightly

(CercleFinance.com) - Jefferies announced on Wednesday that it had slightly raised its price target for BNP Paribas from 95.
6 to 95.9 euros, while renewing its buy recommendation on the stock.

In a note published ahead of the publication of second-quarter results, scheduled for July 24, the American broker believes that the market consensus seems to have missed a number of buoyant elements.

Among these, Jefferies says it has identified solid asset inflows in insurance, favorable momentum in the securities business, a beneficial effect of volatility and a lenient trend in credit costs in Italy.

The broker - who considers that all these factors will more than offset the slowdown in retail banking activity in France - thus expects second-quarter earnings to be 9% higher than analysts' consensus, not to mention any positive surprises from asset management and the strength of interest rates.

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