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Capgemini: Oddo BHF still neutral

(CercleFinance.com) - Oddo BHF maintains its neutral rating on Capgemini shares, with an unchanged target price of E211 (cp: E191, +0.

Based on our discussions with the company and its main peers, we understand that org. Q2 should improve well rlative to Q1. However, we feel that the improvement will remain modest, it says.

Oddo BHF believes that Capgemini's overexposure to the European market is a point penalising the group's recovery momentum. We are slightly lowering our forecasts to position ourselves at the very bottom of the growth guidance, and believe that the consensus should do likewise, the broker adds, for which the valuation is once again "attractive".

Nonetheless, it points to the downside potential in market expectations, as well as the uncertainty surrounding the recovery of the European market, which puts the 2024 topline guidance at risk.

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