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Mercialys: sells four hypermarkets

(CercleFinance.com) - Mercialys announces the sale of four hypermarkets to a club deal formed by Foncière Magellan, MTV Capital and Ciméa Patrimoine.
Mercialys owned 51% of these assets, with the balance held by a fund managed by BNP Paribas REIM France.

The total value of this transaction is E117.5m net seller. It will contribute to an improvement in the debt-to-equity ratio (Loan To Value), which will fall to 38.3% excluding transfer duties on a proforma basis, compared with 38.9% at the end of 2023.

The sale of these hypermarkets operated by Auchan is in line with Mercialys's policy of regularly rotating its portfolio and constantly balancing its rental exposure. This sale also provides Mercialys with increased resources for its growth strategy.

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