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NRJ Group: NRJ 12 case referred to Conseil d'Etat

( - NRJ Group announced last night that it had lodged an application with the Conseil d'Etat to challenge Arcom's decision not to select its NRJ 12 channel as part of the recent reallocation of DTT frequencies.

The group explains that this summary procedure is aimed at obtaining the suspension, and then the annulment, of the non-pre-selection measure taken last July by the French audiovisual regulatory authority, which had chosen not to retain NRJ 12 in its list of retained channels.

This measure, which is totally incomprehensible, is in fact a decision that has already prejudiced NRJ 12, which justifies the referral to the administrative judge without waiting for Arcom to publish its final decisions", says the group in a press release.

NRJ says it is 'fully mobilized' to actively defend its rights, and will use all means of recourse to this end.

On July 14, Arcom announced the pre-selection of candidates for the 15 DTT frequencies up for grabs, ruling out C8 and NRJ 12 in favor of two new entrants, Ouest France TV and Réels TV (Daniel Kretinsky).

The DTT broadcasting licenses of C8 (Canal+ Group) and NRJ 12 (NRJ Group) are due to expire on February 28, 2025.

After rebounding by more than 1% yesterday, NRJ Group's share price fell back on Thursday morning on the Paris Bourse, shedding around 0.3% by mid-morning.

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